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    STUDIA SOCIOLOGIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2003  

  Rezumat:  A Study on the Health Behaviour of Adolescents. The impact of all the political, social, economic and cultural transformations upon people’s family-related behaviour indicates some important changes/shifts concerning the role of the family in health maintenance and promotion. The development of a preventive health-centered behaviour inside the family and promotion of a health principle/standard (both individual and community health ideal) seem to be necessary. The adolescents’ health status and the shaping of their health behaviour are largely conditioned by the emotional links and relationships inside their families. The aim of this research is to study teenagers health-related attitudes and behaviour. The conclusive investigation has been carried out on a sample of 1042 teenagers, aged between 14-18 (9th – 12th graders), from the county-residence towns and some smaller towns and villages in Harghita, Mures, Bistrita, Cluj and Bihor counties. Our initial hypothesis was that the relationship between parents and children greatly influences physical health and psychological well being. Our research focused on: the structure of our subjects families; each family’s appreciation of its own social standing, on affective behaviour inside the family, on the existence of psychosomatic disorders which might affect the teenagers psychic stability and on the interdependence between our subjects’ health as appreciated by themselves and different other aspects of their lives. After analyzing the results of our research, we can state that a healthy life-style and proper health-behaviour are strongly related to family life, they can be best formed inside a family, with the help and trough the love and affection of parents towards their offsprings.  
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