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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2017  
  Articol:   INTRODUCTION.

Autori:  DINA VÎLCU.
  Rezumat:  The Department of Romanian language, culture and civilisation of the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, expresses appreciation and gratitude to the editorial board of Studia Philologia journal, part of Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai series, for hosting an ensemble of studies related to the processes of teaching and assessment of Romanian as a foreign language (RFL) in our institution. This issue is especially dedicated to the process of auditing of our examinations by the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE), a process which concluded with a positive outcome. In present, we are developing the legal procedures for becoming full members of ALTE, as a result of successfully passing the auditing process of our examinations.  
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