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    STUDIA HISTORIA - Ediţia nr.1-2 din 2000  
  Articol:   HASKALAH: ILUMINISMUL EVREIESC (1750-1880).

  Rezumat:  Haskalah: The Jewish Enlightenment (1750-1880). The present paper attempts at a brief survey of the Haskalah movement (the Jewish Enlightenment), starting with its origins in Moses Mendelssohn’s Berlin, at the middle of the 18th century, passing through the Austrian Empire to Russia, where it reached its climax and came to an end with the rise of Zionist and socialist ideas. Undermining the theological bases of separatism, calling into question the conventions and institutions of the traditional Jewish society, the critical spirit, the rationalism and universalism of the Enlightenment claimed a redefinition of the Jewish identity in the light of its self-perception and of the relationship with the surrounding societies. The present paper attempts at delineating the most significant elements of movement that developed within different socio-economic and political contexts, throughout a century, chiefly focussing on the cultural achievements.  
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