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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2010  

Autori:  .
  Rezumat:  Valorification of Geothermal Energy in the Area of Livada Village, Bihor County. Geothermal waters are used as a thermal energy source for heating and warm running water in urban areas, for watering treatments, for recreation or for other activities connected to the industrial or agricultural area, such as building up a heating system, creating different drying technologies, etc. The main geothermal reservoir in Romania is located in the Western Plain along the Romanian-Hungarian border, 2 500 km2 from Satu Mare in the North to Timisoara in the South. Out of a total potential geothermal energy production of about 5 300 TJ/year in Romania, more than 80 per cent of the potential is located in the Western Plain. The study focused on the Livada perimeter, where a well that collect the geothermal water-bearing formations from fissured carbonaceous collectors was drilled. The well can be exploited through artesian flow or pumping. The thermal water can be used for heating, preparation of hot sanitary water, greenhouses heating and recreation such as geothermal pools. Through the activity of a greenhouse of 1 ha, the well exploitation from Livada area was increased. The Dutch technology of tomato crops allows a production of 300 tonnes per year. Transgex Oradea intends to build the first greenhouse in Romania heated by a bio-ecological system, using geothermal waters in Livada village. This greenhouse will be part of the complex system necessary for the cascade system in order to capitalize the geothermal waters from that place. This kind of project can be a model for the capitalization of the geothermal waters and can be implemented in other regions, where the situation of geothermal aquifer allows it.

Keywords: alternative energy resources, geothermal waters, waterfall system. 

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