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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2006  

Autori:  C.C. POP.
  Rezumat:  About the state of the geographical region notion. The concept of state, leading to a simple interpretation, or a complex interpretation of the mental or material existence, has been present, in time, in science, and not only. But is has existed without a particularized approach (of geographical interest) thing that we try to realize in this material. Giving this example we can say that the concept is risking to not having any particular utility for science, utility corresponding to its real load. We can appreciate that in the current terminology, through state, we can understand better the situation or the way in which is presented a certain structure or a certain system at given time. The notions, through which we consider that some of the most representative, expressive, maybe the most concrete explanations in the state understanding as a concept, but also like a self being thing appear, are the ones of largeness, parameters, stability, relativity and form, notions that we shall try to debate in order to particularize the dimensional sense and the dimensional sign, not only of the state, but in the context given by the notion of geographical region.  
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