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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2002  

Autori:  GRIGOR P. POP.
  Rezumat:  The Structure of Population on Sexes in the North-Western Region of Romania. The structure of population on sexes in the North-Western Region of Romania is analysed at a regional and at a county level for three significant moments of threshold (1966, 1992 and 1998), the census data from 1992 making evident the phenomenon on communes. The study of this essential category of structure brought about some important conclusions: the value of the masculineness index at a national level didn’t register important changes during the three decades, even more, the index from 1966 equalized the one from 1998, respectively 103,4 women/100 men; approximatively the same situation of a slight significant differentiation is spotlight at a regional level, too, among those three moments of threshold, the masculineness index registering the value of 103,4 in 1966, being more reduced in 1992 (102,6), to reach afterwards the value of 103,6 in 1998. Therefore, it is to be noticed that the values registered at the North-Western Region level are not very much different from those registered in Romania; as regards the masculineness index from the counties belonging to the region, it is also to be observed a certain situation of uniformity at the level of those three years of comparison, the more significant exception being, however, registered in 1966 in Sălaj County (109,1 women/100 men), determined by the leaving from the rural environment of this county in a short period of time (1960-1966) of a significant number of men, especially grown-ups, in order to work in the agriculture from Banat area and in the mining zones from Baia Mare and Petroşani; within the interval 1992-1998, four counties from the region’s counties (Bihor, Cluj, Sălaj and Satu Mare) have been characterized by a masculinity index slightly differentiated, situated as value approximately at the region’s level, while the counties Bistriţa-Năsăud and Maramureş display a masculineness index sensitively more reduced and with values almost unchanged between the two years of comparison, respectively 1992 and 1998, as a result of a slightly raised natural increase and especially of a territorial stability of population; in relation with the geodemographical evolution in the period corresponding to the last half of the 20th century, in the known social-political system, determined by the special phenomenon of removal registered between the rural environment and the urbane one of Romania, particular situations have been observed regarding the structure of population on sexes, from which important differentiations results concerning the masculineness index within the North-Western Region of Romania; the highest values of this index are registered in the situation in which the female population within the administrative-territorial units is increased, in this respect the Urziceni commune (Satu-Mare County), with 119 women/100 men and Lozna commune (Sălaj County), with 116 women/100 men being emphasized. An increased index of masculineness (110-115) is to be found in other communes situated in the North-Western Region, among which Borş and Căpâlna (Bihor County) Corneşti and Mănăstireni (Cluj), Valea Chioarului (Maramureş), Foeni (Satu Mare) and Rus (Sălaj County) are to be noticed.  
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