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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2009  


Economic Features of the Land of Năsăud. We realised the analysis of the social and economic profile characteristic of the Land of Năsăud while taking into account the main features of the labour force in the region, according to the data of the 2002 census (including: regionalising active population according to activities of the national economy; the importance of diverse economic activities to the inhabitants of the region; the main features of the urban and rural communities from an economic point of view), as well as the main features of the active economic agents in the regional economy, according to statistical data as of December 2006. The economic features of the settlements in this region underlined two evolution areas (one polarised by Rodna and another including Feldru and Rebrişoara), three balance areas (the Ilvas, that of Sângeorz-Băi town and that of the Sălăuţa Valley), and an involution area determined by the low regional impact in what economic development was concerned in the Ilişua Valley, with a significant effect on human resource (especially, population loss). It was super flu to mark the area of Năsăud town as an evolution area if we took into account that it was highly above the development of other communities from several points of view. Commerce and wood exploitation supported the present economy, but under the circumstances of ageing population and population loss. Therefore, we considered medium and long term regional evolution as unpredictable within a Romanian society characterised by continuous and fast changes.

Keywords: the Land of Năsăud, economy, regional development, intraregional disparities.

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