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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2009  


The Numerical Evolution and Distribution of the Population in Someşul Mare Hills. We have analysed the numerical evolution of the population of this region between 1900 and 2002, for a period of 102 years, taking into account 13 administrative units, made up by 54 villages. The population increased by 3289 inhabitants, with an average annual rate of increase of 32.5. However, this period may be divided into two stages: 1900-1966, when the population of the region reached the value of 60949 inhabitants, and 1966-2002, when the population decreased to 49190 inhabitants. At the level of administrative units, the highest average annual rate of increase was recorded in the commune of Telciu, with a value of 20.7, meaning an effective increase of the population from 3283 inhabitants in 1910 to 5377 inhabitants in 2002, and the most significant decrease of inhabitants was recorded in the commune of Ciceu-Giurgeşti, where the average annual rate of increase was -7.8. In 2002, the general density at the level of the region had the value of 1.3 inhabitants/km2. However, at the level of the main geographical subregions, the lowest density, of 0.6 inhabitants/km2, was recorded in Suplaiului Hills. At the level of the administrative units, the highest density value was recorded in 2002 in the commune of Salva (80 inhabitants/km2). However, for the entire region, and the entire period of time, the highest value of the general density was recorded in the village of Salva in 1966 (86.8 inhabitants/km2).The agricultural density varied from the value of 0.4 inhabitants/ha (the commune of Zagra) and 1.2 inhabitants/ha (the commune of Salva) in the year 2002. Due to the location of Someşul Mare Hills, the arable density has higher values than the agricultural density at the level of administrative units. Thus, at the level of the commune of Coşbuc, the arable density has the value of 14.5 inhabitants/ha, while the agricultural density is only 0.7 inhabitants/ha.

Keywords: evolution of population, population dynamics, population density, Someşului Mare Hills

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