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  Rezumat:  A Christian View on the Political Authority. The theme I would like to develop is the political authority, a subject that is always in actuality, through the real incidence that it exercises on the life of every one of us. The purpose of our study is to present a Christian point of view on this theme, using the main documents of the Catholic Church regarding its social doctrine. After the definition of some fundamental concepts for the existence of political communities (state, civil society, political community, common good, political authority) through their grounding in an authentic axiology, being systematically related to the human, moral and spiritual values, our initiative continues by emphasizing the nature of political authority from the perspective of the relations this one has with the human person, with the civil society, and with the religious freedom. The political authority is adapted to the human nature but it is in no way absolute: it has to be, above all, a moral force, a power that has to be exercised in accordance with the healthy reason, for the promoting of the common good. The political authority is an exigence of the moral order of the society as well, for which reason it has no right to activate against the moral values. In this way temptations the political authority meets can be avoided: totalitarianism, absolute individualism, ignorance of social justice. On the other hand the political authority is called to assume a modus essendi determined by the authentic human and moral values which will manifest itself through a modus operandi of serving the human person, the society, and the common good of all. All these principles are necessary for the Romanian society, now democratic and European, but with a still immature political class, deeply influenced by pseudo-values and the desire to get rich over night to the prejudice of the common good. The last but not least, the exercising of the political power inside the Romanian borders should take into consideration the anamnestic reason, the memory of the suffering during the communist period and the regime immediately following it, beginning with the end of 1989.

Keywords: political authority, moral values, social doctrine, Catholic Church
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