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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2006  

  Rezumat:  Mission and Pastorate in Ţara Lăpuşului. For a correct diagnosis of contemporary problems, of the degree and the way the preached evangelic message is received we need to make research studies, starting with the audience, the public. Thus, the results obtained will show us what the degree of receptivity of the evangelical message is, its accuracy and the believers’ reaction to certain challenges and their own way to see/perceive things. In this respect, in order to see what the attitude of our Church goers is in proportion to the suggested themes, we have set our goal to make a practical research study on the basis of which we could make suggestions to improve the missionary and pastoral strategies, while corroborating the theoretical elements of ecclesiology and those linked to the challenges of the contemporary society. The evangelic message cannot be submitted to improvement or amelioration because it is the peak of divine revelation; Jesus Christ the crucified and resurrected is but the same as two thousand years ago, “He is the same today as yesterday and forever”. Improvement and perfecting refer to the way the message is transmitted, to the oratorical, material, technical and spiritual methods which are always improvable. These will never be something entirely new, but they will be a harmonious development of the ones known so far. Quite often, the “new” methods are new only with respect to consciousness, to their assimilation by the present and future generations. Obviously, the missionary and pastoral principles can be adapted to the new challenges, even though in essence they could remain unchanged. The methods and the diachronic experiences of the Church can be used as guidance, thing which is highly essential. A comparing analysis from a diachronic point of view can emphasize the positive aspects of the mission, especially the negative ones, the causes and the effects, in order to be avoided. From a human point of view the Church is in a continuous fight and development process. The Church is not one of the elite or of the perfect ones, because in such a situation it wouldn’t make sense. The Church is the mystic extension of Christ in the world, of that Christ “Who came to search for and to deliver the lost one” (Luke, 19,10). For these, for the new generations of people who come, always with different mentalities, the Church has to conceive, in an authentic prophetic spirit, new missionary and pastoral strategies. The revival of the Church on human level will never be done otherwise than starting with the parish, the cell around which the entire christian life turns about. The present study tries nothing but to reflect the real situation of the mission and of the priesthood inside the Orthodox Church, referring explicitly to a certain geographical area, in order to realize valid and realistic missionary strategies starting from this point, to render the mission and the priesthood more effective.  
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