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    STUDIA SOCIOLOGIA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2010  

Autori:  .
  Rezumat:  With a history of over one century, the qualitative social research holds nowadays an unanimously acknowledged place (even if not yet as influent as that of the quantitative research), representing not only a specific scientific approach, used ever more courageously in studying the people’s social life, but also a subject for debate and dispute, found more and more often on the spotlight of the international scientific community and, to a certain extent, of the national one as well. The qualitative data catch the interpretations that the social players assign to their own feelings, attitudes and values, as well as to the events they witnessed or not, but which influenced their lives in some way. Regardless of the dominant paradigm, the qualitative research will allow the use of qualitative data in their “tri-dimensional” form, text-image-sound. Thus, the qualitativist researcher in social sciences will be able to lean, in the process of constructing the social world, on a multitude of data types: from the texts of certain social, personal or public documents, to the field notes and to the interview scripts, from the static images given by photographs, drawings, sketches, maps, to the dynamic images, accompanied by sound, given by the video recordings, from the audio materials collected during the fieldwork, to the ones produced for cultural-artistic purposes. The potential of all these qualitative data, however, is not exhausted once the researches they were produced in are completed. The full valuing is achieved in time. That is why, the creation and, then, the proper operation of national social archives of qualitative data, insuring both the preservation and the management of all valuable data produced at a certain time, at the level of the autochthonous scientific community emerges as an imperious necessity. In this sense, it would probably not be hazardous to conclude that the sharing of all valuable qualitative data within the scientific community could have extremely beneficial results on the development of knowledge about social life and offer a multidisciplinary, panoramic and panhistorical perspective on the world we live in.

Keywords: qualitative research, qualitative data, secondary analysis, data archives.
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