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    STUDIA SOCIOLOGIA - Ediţia nr.1-2 din 2001-2002  

  Rezumat:  Reference in Cultural Anthropology. As an academic discipline, cultural anthropology took shape around the year 1860 and it was established in the American and European universities by the beginning of the XX’st century. The rapid development of various subfields of cultural anthropology produced a vastuess of western literature, both with theoretical and methodological character.In Romania, cultural anthropology was aknowledged and put into practice as ethnology, ethnography, and philosophical anthropology. Until recently, this situation was due to the German and French school’s influency. In this context we point out the publication (Ed. Dacia, 2002) of the third edition of professor Achim Mihu’s book “Cultural Anthropology, after a first (1999) and second (2000) edition. The volume is of a major importance, being the only book written by a Romanian author and constituting a synthesis of the major themes in classical and contemporary cultural anthropology: the concept of culture, cultural personalities, language and culture, magic, marriage, family and kinship, race and ethnicity, multiculturalism etc. There is also an original manner of approaching some themes and concepts of anthropology, combined with the author’s personal observations upon Romanian realities, such as: Nuntă pe Valea Frumoasei, Mitul vremii şi mărgica şarpelui alb, Răzbunarea vraciului.  
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