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    STUDIA NEGOTIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2007  

Autori:  F.M. SHAIKH.
  Rezumat:  This research investigates the performance of western women in Small and Medium enterprises business compare with Pakistani women. The western women are playing a very important role in economic development through SMEs in comparison with the South Asia and specially in Pakistan where women is not free to develop their own business but only few visible cases has been studies and it was observed that despite of many obstacles our women is playing a vital role in developing countries in SME and their impact on economic development. The research reveals that women Play s significant role in the developed of business through SMEs. Using simple random technique collected the data and randomly selected 90 women from all over Pakistan who’s involve in small and medium enterprises business in Pakistan. The result findings of the research is that Women is facing lot more difficulties in running independent businesses specially a rural women who is not easy to own the business opportunities in Pakistan. It was revealed that differences exist when comparing men and women entrepreneurs as separate groups in Western comparison to Pakistan When comparing men and women in the same business sector, however, differences diminish; a man and a woman in the same business are more alike than women working in different lines of business. Men who account for 75% of the total number of self employed in the EU countries dominate self-employment. When it comes to family workers, the situation is the opposite, with women accounting for 70% of the total. Although it is difficult to distinguish any consistent pattern in the development of gender shares in self-employment, women have clearly increased their share between 1999 and 2005-06 in the tertiary sector in western countries but in Pakistan the share is bit increase from 1999-2006, slow over rate. The gender distribution of new enterprises or new registrations varies between countries. However, accounting for different statistical sources, they seem to pivot round a 70%: 30% male to female ratio in Western countries and 02% women and 98% man ratio in SME business in Pakistan. Enterprises started by women seem to have a lower survival rate in Pakistan compare to high survival rate in Western women. However, this is not necessarily a gender issue but rather a reflection of choice of sector. In most countries the area where women reportedly encounter difficulties is that of capital and finance. Studies have found that women often wish to borrow smaller amounts than men, and are denied loans due to this, rather than to the fact that they are women. In Pakistan women’s are not even thinking of those job, which leave them out of the home. The results showed that Pakistani’ SME using only small portion in the export of the SMEs products where as other developed countries like Malaysia, USA, U.K, Germany, Japan they develop their economy through SMEs and there was significant contribution of women.

KEYWORDS: SMEs, Performance, Development, Comparative analysis, Western, SMEs, Asia, Pakistan.

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