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    STUDIA IURISPRUDENTIA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2016  

Autori:  .
  Rezumat:  The metamorphosis of law. From virtualiy to reality. The present study aims at recreating the journey of law from its potential existence to reality. The author begins by ascertaining the necessity of law as a cause of its emergence in various non-positive forms in a pre-legal phase. However, law continues to develop in the form of positive law, thus giving way to potential conflicts between natural and positive law. These conflicts are essential for defining the true nature of law, which cannot be reduced to legal texts in force. In the second part of the study, the author analyzes legal interpretation as the main tool for transposing law into reality. Viewed as partially overlapping concepts, law and legal interpretation are defined by their ability to generate arguments instead of clear rules.As a final phase in the journey of law, the author underlines the importance of in concreto interpretation in reconnecting positive to natural law. In this endeavor, reason is not sufficient for a precise determination of meaning, adequate to the specific circumstances of the case. Intuition is the only proper interpretative instrument for an exact discernment of the facts and for identifying the most suitable solution for legal disputes.

Keywords: definition and nature of law; natural law vs. positive law; legal interpretation; in abstracto interpretation; in concreto interpretation; legal argumentation; legal language; reason; intuition; decision.
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