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    STUDIA HISTORIA - Ediţia nr.1-2 din 2001  
  Articol:   PRESA EVREIASCĂ ÎN LIMBA ROMÂNĂ (1857-1900).

  Rezumat:  The Jewish Press in Romanian (1857-1900). The Jewish press was one of the main instruments in the struggle for civil and cultural emancipation led by the Jewish intellectuals in Romania along the 19th century. Offering a vast panorama of the contemporary life and dealing with a wide range of topics, the Jewish press has played a crucial part in spreading the most advanced ideas of the epoch and advocated a spirit of tolerance, which aimed at facilitating integration in the Romanian culture and society. The present papers attempts to underline some of the main aspects of the questions debated in the Jewish press written in Romanian, having in view the evolution of the leading concepts of political and "inner" emancipation, which stamped their mark on the life of the 19th century Romanian Jewry.  
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