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    STUDIA EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMNASTICAE - Ediţia nr.2 din 2011  

Autori:  .
  Rezumat:  From OMS-World Health Organization-out is a worrying sign: in the’ European Health Report 2002, report on health in Europe in 2002, published by ’Regional Office for Europe, obesity is defined as an epidemic that extends throughout the European Region. “In many European countries more than half of the adult population is“ overweight “and about 20-30% of adults and ’accordingly obese (clinically obese). The illness of the’ obesity in subjects in ’evolution is in increasing in European countries, one child in five is obese and / or overweight. negatvo A signal is represented by a continued increase in childhood obesity in adulthood with serious risks to health. Another negative indicator is the psychological fallout In fact, childhood obesity often leads to a dizzying set of self-esteem with syndromes depressive. The Conference held in Copenhagen on 11 and 12 September 2002, obesity, a challenge for the European Union, the theme has been addressed in its extreme gravity with this overview of data: about 300 million people are obese in the world The number already ’high’ is intended to increase still more and more, with serious consequences for the health Reality ’ is more serious in North America and Europe, but has spread to areas where, in the past, was not present except in very small quantities (Asia, India, China, Japan and even parts of Africa and South America, including as well as some countries in the developing world); in recent years the number of people with obesity has doubled in many countries; in Europe has increased by 10-50% in the last 10 years; According to a study by the International Obesity Task Force, about 4% of all children in Europe and obese and this number is markedly increased It is estimated that between 2-8% of overall costs for health care is linked to obesity; The dimension of the problem in the U.S. is double in Europe, but the rate of increase is higher in European countries, The key elements for the prevention and treatment of obesity and is ’now clear that key elements are identified in’ Proper nutrition, the role of families and physical activity; COUNTRYSIDE information widely distributed media, school, family, and sports are considered necessary to raise awareness of the problem in all sectors of society, including the medical staff who often is not sufficiently prepared to deal with the problem and patients are less willing to seek help.

Keyword: childhood overweight, nutrition, hypokinesia, quality of life 

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