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    STUDIA DRAMATICA - Ediţia nr.1 din 2019  
  Articol:   FOREWORD.

  Rezumat:  From the Nāṭyaśāstra or Aristotle’s Poetics to social media posts or the new online review aggregators, discourses about theater have shaped the course of the art’s evolution, reflecting and influencing aesthetics, modes of production and models of social and political involvement. The emergence and spread of “practice as”, “practice-led” or “practice-based” research paradigms, the growing interest for the performative function of arts archives, the fluidization and democratization of critical discourses, as well as the ripple effect of the performative turn define, nowadays, a climate in which theory and practice intermingle, seemingly re-bridging the gap between artists and scholars, between creators, historians and critics.  
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