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    STUDIA BIOETHICA - Ediţia nr.2 din 2008  

  Rezumat:   The development of scientifically knowledge especially in the field of biology and genetics has opened the way to a new analysis of the human body structure and of its evolution, up to the point let’s say so, in which we must individualize grammar. And if the contemporary man, wish the help of experimental science has became an expert on the grammar of life (not only the human one), up to the point in which he can thing of rewriting the rules he cannot say that he didn’t go deep into semantics, that is the significance and value. So if we want to continue interpreting the book of human life we mast not separate and deviate the intimate relation that binds grammar to semantics, biology to anthropology. In the knowledge of our body and its function up to its initial phases as coincided with the affirmation of a kind of estrangement and moving away from his own body always believed as something belonging to the person and not as concrete’s way in which the person exists. The difficulty of thinking the human body as a personal body up to the initiate phases on the monocelular organism is at the origin of many problems of bioethics, fact for which it is decisive to place the so called embrionary problem in the center of attention not only scientifically but anthropologically as well.

Keys words: anthropology, person, being, the grammar of life, embryo(n), the being as a san, face and resemblance.
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