Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Psychologia-Paedagogia is a semesterly publication (June and December), indexed in the databases worldwide, devoted to promote a high level of academic research on innovative subjects and emergent topics in psychology and educational sciences.

The main intended objective is the creation and sustaining for a broad space of reflection and pedagogical research, on the problems of the psychology and the contemporary education. Are invited to engage in the debate and confrontation by opinions teachers at all levels of education, practicing and theoreticians in the field of psychology and education sciences, researchers and students.

Each issue can be consulted online, until the next issue, at: At the same address, one can also consult the abstract of any article, as well as the list of contents of all issues published since 1999. Copies of the printed version of the journal are sent to the university libraries and research centers worldwide.

Also, the articles can be accessed via the Central and Eastern European Online Library Germany (C.E.E.O.L.):