Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Historia has been published continuously since its first issue in 1956, as part of Studia UBB series, under the editorship of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj. It was published annually from the beginning until 1962 and, again, between 1974 and 1990, when it became a biannual serial publication. Studia Historia is the longest-lived journal series established and maintained by historians and researchers at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of UBB.

In over five decades of uninterrupted publishing, Studia Historia has consistently promoted a high professional standard and advanced innovative historiographical research subjects from a thematic and methodological perspective, in line with History as a whole, as well as with the national history.
Throughout the years, Studia Historia tackled a variety of areas and themes of research, from ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary history, with contributions from the field of social history, the history of institutions, history of mentalities, history of collective imaginary, history of historiography, the history of ideas and intellectual life, history of religious life, the history of communism or the new cultural history, as well as debates on the current status of historians and history researchers, thus revealing and highlighting  the evolution of knowledge in the respective field.

Since the publishing of its first issue, the Studia Historia journal series was directed and edited by prominent personalities from the academic community in Cluj, including Constantin Daicoviciu, Nicolae Lascu, Ştefan Pascu, Camil Mureşan and Nicolae Edroiu, to name a few. Moreover, the editorial board of the series always included important names of historians or history researchers from Romania and abroad.

From the very beginning, the journal, through the voice of its editorship, expressed a keen interest in attracting the contributions of well-known specialists and history scholars, as well as in promoting young researchers in the domain, placing itself in close relation with the teaching process specific to the higher education system.
To engage in and facilitate a constructive, broad professional dialogue, and to increase the scientific relevance of its issues, Studia Historia focused on publishing articles and research materials from various contributors, historians with prevalence, members of the academic environment of Cluj, but also historians and promising researchers from other domestic and foreign academic communities.

Consequently, the journal has earned a good reputation within the academia at national and international level, thus becoming a prestigious trademark of Babeş-Bolyai University. In this context, it is worth mentioning that the first international database in which it was included is CEEOL (where its issues are listed since 1996).