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  Abstract:  The pedagogue and the theologian’s encounter can be observed the most in his work published in 1942 entitled “Catechetics”. He handles religious education – that is so close to his heart – in this book. Lajos Imre’s academic and practical interest was primarily oriented towards education. Education as a general human task interested him in itself and in its every detail. Lajos Imre, as a catechist wanted the ministers of the future to realize at the Department of Practical Theology that preaching is not only a church service, but it is always an educational work and pastoral care. He regarded the church as the home and workshop of his research and educative work, not only from a legal point of view, but in a spiritual sense as well. Thus, catechism modulates not only religious teaching but the entire scope of religious education. The work, with which we lead children to the cognition of God’s Word and its submissiveness is the work of religious education. Religious education that Lajos Imre sometimes also terms as spiritual education happens in three ways: by exemplifying, teaching and practice. These are in close connection with each other and cannot be separated from each other. The material of religious teaching, the curriculum, is deducted from the “material” of religious education. The material is the same (the Bible, church history and the material on the belief and life of the church) but is more restricted as it is shaped and sorted based on children’s ability of conception. The Bible, on which the textbook is built, has to be endeared and acquainted with children. Lajos Imre suggests that the New Testament can be used even from second grade whilst the entire Holy Scripture from fifth grade. He determines the Heidelberg Catechism as the manual of the seventh grade but since the catechism’s questions and answers are assigned to the lessons, it could also be the manual of all classes. We teach the catechism’s questions and answers without a book but with explanations. He recommends the usage of the hymnal from even second grade as well. It is important to teach children how to orientate themselves in it. He even recommends the usage of the hymnal for homework as well. Another important condition of religious education is for children to take part in cult, in church service. Church services designed for children are appropriate for this and Sunday schools as well. It is, however, also important to urge children to take part on church services of big religious feasts at least with their parents. Lajos Imre worded his opinion on the religious education of the youth in his book entitled Epitome for the Attendance of the Youth.

Keywords: religious education, ecclesiology, catechetics, demonstration, intensification, application, home mission, Sunday school, teaching by learning, Christian character, pedagogical role modelling.
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