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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA CATHOLICA - Issue no. 1 / 2010  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  Contemplation, the final goal of human person. Following what we have seen in another article, we will now consider the limits of this reality and of the experience of the love of friendship; the means of going beyond these limits or at least of reducing their impact in daily life, and the possibility that some of these limits offer us: that is, openness to the philosophical contemplation of First Being and, secondly, the means by all are able to attain such a contemplation (in particular, in our case, the contemplation of First Being). By means of an analytical approach, we will discover the existence of three great categories of limitation: limitations in knowledge, limitations surrounding the experience of absence, and finally limitations in regards to the experience of death. If we somehow arrive at going beyond the limitations of the first two categories, we can only go beyond the third one by an openness to the search for truth, for the meaning of life for those who are most fortunate (that is, those who search for wisdom with constancy), for the metaphysical dimension and for the intellectual discovery of the necessity of the existence of a First Being, who is the source of life, of love and of intelligence; the source of the spirit, and the only reality capable of satisfying the ardent thirst of our heart – the thirst of being loved beyond our limitations, in the way in which a person is loved by his friend. But this First Being fills the human heart infinitely more that a friend ever could because of his limitations, of which death is the ultimate and which can manifest itself as a reality that is insurmountable, almost substantial. Only the faithful friend, before the experience of the death of his friend, can enter unabashedly into a metaphysical gaze that leads him to the discovery of a First Being – a discovery that shows him, from the interior, that the unique pertinent manner of approaching such a metaphysical reality is the total, confident abandonment of himself to love; that is, to love the one to whom he is indebted for the love that he has towards his dead friend, and endebted for the bond that was theirs, for what he was, what he has or for the very fact that he existed, here and now.

KEY WORDS: absurdity, adoration/worship, rupture, philosophical contemplation, amazement, First Being, fidelity, end/terminus, habit of wisdom, intentional presence.

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