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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Issue no. 2 / 2017  

Authors:  MARIA SUCIU.

Published Online: 2017-06-15
Published Print: 2017-06-30


Grammar acquisition in Romanian as foreign language. Learning Romanian as a foreign language includes acquiring the grammar of the language. Teaching the grammar must have regard to all language particularities like gender, plurals, topics and syntax. Translating from Romanian in a language that all students know is not a highly recommended method because every language has itʼs own way of creating the sentences and this translating process may cause difficulties in the teaching process. This may occur because the students are focused on understanding in L1, then sending it in their mother tongue, and finally the student tries to understand the phenomenon in Romanian language. One of recommended methods is the structural exercises, like imitation and substitution, so the students do not get confused after presenting all the rules. There are also the Deductive approach, the case when the teacher gives the rules and the students have time to become familiar to them, and the Inductive approach, which allows the students to form themselves the rules after they are given the examples. The Deductive approach is recommended in case of irregular patterns and the Inductive approach in case of regular patterns, because is based on analogy. Teaching a grammatical concept should be done by offering examples using relatively simple vocabulary so their attention wonʼt be directed on understanding the vocabulary, but on understanding the new grammatical concept.

Key words: grammar acquisition, teaching process, structural exercises, imitation, substitution, deductive approach, inductive approach, foreign language.


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