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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Issue no. 1 / 2017  


Published Online: 2017-03-24
Published Print: 2017-03-31


Hyphenated Identities in Cristina García’s Dreaming in Cuban and The Agüero Sisters. The two novels analysed here are organically connected by their exploration of the effects of the Cuban Revolution on the families divided by their political allegiances and their experience of that revolution. The present study investigates the author’s personal journey towards understanding her own hyphenated identity as a “1.5er” reconciling her own conflicting impulses and cultural identities, using writing as a means to heal herself and others through an on-going interrogation of all aspects that help configure communal and personal identity and exploring their interdependence, in fascinating and intriguing tales of survival and atonement.

Keywords: Cristina García, Cuban American fiction, hyphenation, identity, trauma, ethnicity, “1.5” generation.


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