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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 1 / 2011  
  Article:   THE ELECTIONS OF MAYORS IN “MOŢILOR LAND”, ALBA COUNTY, IN 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008.

Authors:  .

The Elections of Mayors in “Moţilor Land”, Alba County, in 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008. In Romania, the Electoral Geography has rarely been of interest for the scientists that are preoccupied with studying the development of certain regions. The electoral options of the local population are often overlooked though the elected mayors play a key role in the development of any settlement, beside their personal qualities as leaders and managers, their political affiliations being of outmost importance when it comes to receiving money for projects of development for their localities. The present paper would like to answer a series of questions like: how the election phenomenon/process in the region of “Moţilor Land” can be mapped, how the political options evolved in time and if the electing body has matured or not over time, if the election of the mayor is dictated by the political affiliation or not, and finally how political affiliation hinders or favours development in the area.

Keywords: “Moţilor Land”, mayors, election, development.

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