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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 1 / 2002  

Authors:  D. PETREA.
  Abstract:  The Concept of Geographical Integration between Tradition and Actuality. In the last decades the concept of integration represents one of the most favourite topics in many scientifical fields including also Geography. Its former signification, derived from the classical geography, is related mainly with the requirement to generate the spatial integration of the geographical territorial units (landscapes, regions or other items) within the frame of the higher territorial unit order. The deep changes that occurred in the contemporary geographical thinking determined the reinforcement of many basic concepts in geography such as determinism, space, time, movement, integration and so on. The recent points of view expressing the new message of today�s geography came especially through the introduction of the quantitative methods, the assimilation of the Systems` Theory and the capitalisation of the recent theories dealing with the aspects of the hierarchy (holarhy) as well the links between form and function (chaos, catastrophes, fractals, co-evolution, synergism etc.). Starting from this theoretical background we tried to emphasize relevant aspects concerning the new meanings of the concept of integration. The content of geographical integration concept radically changed from a quite rigid methodological exigency into a real behavioural mode of the geosystem. As a consequence geographical integration means now to substitute the additive analytical method (typical for the narrow specialised fields) with a global approach able to describe the geographical reality in its whole plenitude. This demand suppose to evaluate not only the spatial integration of facts but also their structural and functional integration which are the keys for understanding of the emergent properties and synergetic effects that occurs during the system`s evolution. A complete understanding of geographical integration requires to abandonee the old view over a deterministic reality and to provide the means to extra  
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