Since 2008, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Historia has an editorial board composed of the following members of the Faculty: Ovidiu Ghitta (editor), Toader Nicoară, Sorin Mitu, Gelu Florea, Marius Bucur, Virgiliu Ţârău, Valentin Orga and Ionuţ Costea, the latter holding the position of editorial secretary. The editorial board brings together renowned experts in the areas that the journal series constantly promotes and enhances: Keith Hitchins (Urbana, Illinois), Cesare Alzati (Milan), Francesco Guida (Rome) Konrad Gündisch (Munich), Fritz Mitthof (Vienna) Alexandru-Florin Platon (Iaşi), and Laurenţiu Vlad (Bucharest).
From this perspective, we highly appreciate the contribution of some of our prestigious colleagues who have agreed to be part of the team of peer reviewers/evaluators involved in the quality assessment process for each issue of Studia Historia.
Since 2011, Studia Historia is published exclusively in some of the major world languages (notably in English), and the members of the four major Departments in our Faculty (Ancient history and archaeology, Medieval and premodern history, Modern history and contemporary history) take turns as coordinating editors for each issue of the journal.
This editorial strategy of tackling a large range of research subjects, addressing different chronological segments in history, that are circumscribed, however, to the Central European region, explains the thematic diversity of the issues of Studia Historia series.
The structure of the publication remains broadly the same: it comprises a consistent section of articles and studies, one of debates and perspectives on major avenues of research / major contributions and a set of critical reviews related to the main topic of the current issue. From time to time, the profile of a historian is included in the volume, enhanced by a presentation of the personality and work of the honouree, as well as an interview with the prominent scholar.
Studia Historia has its own section on the website of Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai series, where one can also find its full-text electronic archive, with issues published since 2000.
The financial support necessary for the publication of Studia Historia is provided by the Faculty of History and Philosophy of Babeș-Bolyai University, and the international dissemination of the periodical, in print, is ensured through the Department of International Exchange of Publications with "Lucian Blaga" Central University Library. The Historia seriescan be also purchased from the "UBB Bookstore" and through the distribution network of the Argonaut Publishing House. Another fact worth mentioning is that since 2016, Historia has been included in ERIH PLUS.
Here you can find the summary of each issue of Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Historia (contents, abstracts and keywords). Also, the articles can be download online via Central and Eastern European Online Library Germany (C.E.E.O.L.): http://www.ceeol.com. |