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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA%20CATHOLICA - Issue no. 1-2 / 2016  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:   The Priest – An Instrument of the Divine Mercy. For the Year of Mercy, the suggested theme: "The priest – An Instrument of Divine Mercy", needs to be understood from both consecrated and Christian life point of view, since we are all part of the priesthood of Christ, both the sacramental or ministerial priesthood and the common priesthood or the priesthood of the faithful. When proclaiming the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis explained how it is possible for any of us to receive and offer mercy. Therefore, I shall try to present some aspects of mercy that the clergy must be aware of, must live and put into practice.Thus, the priest is first called to make known the Word of God, and only when the Word of God becomes a spiritual food for him he may begin the new evangelization of those who knew Him or of those who have forgotten what it means to be a Christian.Secondly, one needs to consider the practicality of the teachings of the Word of God, the priest must find ways to put into practice the material and spiritual acts of mercy, and thus the Gospel becomes “operative through charity”. Last but not least, one needs to seek the Mercy of God in the sacrament of Reconciliation, where the priest finds himself to be the first penitent who received the Divine love, forgiveness and mercy, and then in turn he can provide the forgiveness of God to others, becoming a “channel” for the descent of the Mercy of God. These three ways are found in the documents of the Catholic Church, i.e. Misericordiae vultus, Dives in misericordia and Misericordia Dei, inviting us to receive and live out the Divine mercy at the true value of the love and forgiveness of the Heavenly Father. 

Key words: priest, mercy, word of God, sacrament of reconciliation, material and spiritual acts of mercy
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