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    STUDIA POLITICA - Issue no. 1 / 2010  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  The following bloc of writings proposed to the journal Studia Politica is strongly linked to the M.A. program on Gender and Equal Opportunities offered at Babeş-Bolyai University between 2003 and 2010. The students of the very last promotion of this program – while attending a course on “Action research and public anthropology” offered by Enikő Vincze and Petruţa Teampău – decided to translate their knowledge acquired at class into practice, and tried a few ways of putting action research into action. It is their experienced endeavor on which they reflect on in the following pages, hoping that this might have a contribution to the dialogue within our academic context about the role of scientific knowledge, but also in terms of opening up the relationship between universities and the outer world. Following a brief introduction about the challenges of action research in our own context, Alis Costescu, Noémi Magyari, Emese Molnár and Kinga Pakucs present their project on combating violence and social exclusion. The latter included a joint research about violence against women viewed through the perspective of non-governmental organizations, and a public event organized with the occasion of women’s international day in Cluj consisting of the FlashAct “Freeze Against Violence” on a public square, of public discussions ongoing in the Tranzit House and of launching a manifesto for social justice.

Keywords: feminism, action research, violence, social exclusion, social justice
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