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    STUDIA PHILOSOPHIA - Issue no. 2 / 2012  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  The body has been widely analyzed in philosophy starting especially with the nineteenth century. The latest theories regarding the body have argued its importance in either constituting our reality, either integrating us in a cultural environment. But what is definitely argued is the body-subject, meaning that the body receives a very important part in constituting ourselves as persons. But there are some recent aspects of reality that can question this view. The latest are the new technological and bio-chemical developments. At what extent can I still be considered my body, if my body appears like a complex system, one in which any part can be substituted, replaced (transplants, prostheses) or improved (liposuction)? What does that imply? Am I still my body? Or is the body just something I have, and can be easily replaces with something different?Our view in this article is that the artificial body is not an optional tool, something we can dispose of, and that it still constitutes our identity, but with some different characteristics.Despite the technological innovations, the body remains the only form a subject can have and also something that incorporates all the symbolic fields of culture.

Keywords: artificial body, transhumanism, homo technologicus, symbolism 

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