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    STUDIA PHILOSOPHIA - Issue no. 1 / 2011  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  Taking the interface between the common consumer behaviourism and the given representative conditions of our surroundings as a phenomenological, but, nevertheless, a key issue of both, architectural discourse and practice, this talk is trying to evaluate the position of sound within this realm.
Sound is becoming increasingly recognised and explored within theory and practice as it is, increasingly, affecting our spatial perceptions and everyday lives.
This paper is an investigation into the notion of sound within the built environment, questioning the spatial attributes and implications of sound: its potential as a design tool for the shaping of architectural and urban places, but also its meaning for our personal experience of our surroundings. I would like to introduce some issues and ideas related to soundscapes and aural architecture. Initially, discussing the very particular tactics and prospects that are related to them in order to then, question their potential use as a building material - one, which is merging social and material matters.
Sound, so I believe, is offering completely new ways to reinforce the bridge between architecture and phenomenology, space and experience.

Keywords: sound, aural architecture & spatial perception.
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