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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Issue no. 4 / 2017  

DOI: 10.24193/subbphilo.2017.4.20

Published Online: 2017-12-15
Published Print: 2017-12-29
pp. 245-262


Notes on Suppletion in the Contemporary Romanian Language. Insofar as the meanings of suppletion are concerned, we should delineate two working coordinates, both of which acknowledge the “total change of the radical”: the total variation of the root without affecting the flective (in the case of the verbs a fi, to be, and a lua, to take), and the total variation of the root with the absorption of the flective (in the case of personal pronouns proper and reflexive pronouns), the lexemes becoming nonflexible. Once the absence of the flective is accepted, gender, number and case are actualized in the form of non-flectional grammatical categories, as proved, where possible, by its substitution, in the given position, with a flexible pronoun and by the flectional syntagmatic grammatical agreement of a flexible adjectival with these categories. When they are subordinate terms, in the absence of a preposition/ prepositional phrase, these lexemes are subordinated through the adherence-relateme.

Key-words: suppletion, radical, total variation, inflection, flective, non-flectional grammatical category.

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