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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Issue no. 4 / 2017  

DOI: 10.24193/subbphilo.2017.4.02

Published Online: 2017-12-15
Published Print: 2017-12-29
pp. 17-34


ʼLáʼ, mitigation marker in informal interactions in European Portuguese. Lá is a deictic locative adverb that refers to a space far from the speaker and the hearer, usually outside both field of vision. Based on an enunciative-pragmatic approach we analyse, in informal conversations (corpus: Perfil sociolinguístico da fala bracarense and C-ORAL-ROM), occurrences of a pragmatic usage of ʼláʼ as linguistic attenuation, leaving aside other values. In what concerns attenuation of the speaker, we analyse the effect of ʼláʼ in assertive acts: its contribution to either epistemic or evaluative modality. With respect to attenuation of speaker-listener relationship, we analyse the pragmatic value of ʼláʼ in directive and expressive acts.

Keywords: ʼLáʼ, deictic, pragmatic usage, mitigation, informal interaction, oral corpora.

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