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    STUDIA PHILOLOGIA - Issue no. 1 / 2014  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:   Women’s Suffrage Centenary. In the context of the anniversary of 100 years since women in Norway were granted the right to vote, this speech offers enlightening information on the movement for women rights not only in Norway, but also internationally. Seen as an important step in the democratization and modernization of the country, the event that marked the year 1913 was the result of a long struggle that had tremendous and wider impact on Norwegian society. Key events and figures that contributed to accomplishing this ideal are presented while focus is also placed on events that followed after 1913 since the movement for women rights continued, transforming itself in a fight for human rights and equality in general, regardless of gender, race, religion, social status etc.

Key words: women’s suffrage, Norway, gender equality, women’s emancipation, Fredrikke Marie Qvam, Fernanda Nissen, Camilla Collett, Gina Krog.
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