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    STUDIA NEGOTIA - Issue no. 1 / 2007  


The integration processes in the European Union framework are achieved in the context of the worldwide globalization process. Surely, both types of complex processes determine the behaviour of economic subjects; it means the behaviour of small and medium enterprises as well. In accordance with the rate of the total number of enterprises in an economy, as well as other macroeconomic indicators, it is necessary to pay more attention to them. Successful SMEs functioning is affected by the economic environment, which they operate in, their economic position in the framework of market structures, and their support, which is given to them from the EU and single national government.On the other hand, benefits of SMEs stand not only for national economy – and for EU economy led in the spirit of the Lisbon Strategy as a whole - , but namely for a single region, which a SME operates in.The aim of the paper is to point out the SMEs importance for EU economy (for “Europe of regions”), at their position in the EU framework, as well as in the framework of the Czech economy.The paper presents chosen types of SMEs benefits for the region, and their theoretical fundament; it deals with the model, which illustrates benefits for a region (NUTS V – municipalities, NUTS III – regions) in connection with budget determination of taxes in the Czech Republic. It changed twice in the last 10 years; nevertheless, the situation is not stabilised. It is once more a discussed topic among political representants for 2007; it is a prevision of possible changes of the economic policy of the Czech government with direct impact of the regional policy, and thereby on the economic environment that is relevant for SMEs.

Key words: Economic position of SME; economic environment for SME; policy of SME development, innovation support programmes; SME benefits for region

JEL classification: D43, R58, H25

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