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    STUDIA INFORMATICA - Issue no. 1 / 2015  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  The software artefacts are crucial during the development cycle of a software product and tracing them is important to the development process. The model used, the requirements document, and the code, are artefacts that can be updated or reused in different projects. Different types of notations are used to add traceability to artefacts, providing versatility in searching, indexing, updating, or retrieving them.
MultiCoS is an approach based on separation of concerns (SoC) in multiple spaces. The concern spaces are defined by grouping concerns by common interest. The relationships between concerns and different types of entities empowers the concern to provide a degree of meaning to an entity. Defining and using concerns to properly describe software artefacts can add semantic to documents such as the specifications document, requirements document, project documents, and to other artefacts such as code files or modules. Given this, the concerns and their relationships can provide traceability to higher level entity spaces, such as the application model, the views, and the design documents of a software application.
The MultiCoS metamodel is presented here in a case study, reusing web applications artefacts in the software development cycle. In addition to other tracing methodologies, MultiCoS can add semantic value to artefacts and can strengthen the relationships to concerns or between artefacts by taking into account similarity coefficients.
In contrast to other methodologies, MultiCoS supports complex tracing systems by creating multiple relationships of different degrees between entities, based on the value of a concern, a subunitary value that measures the impact of a concern to an entity.

Key words and phrases. Concern Spaces, Requirements Engineering, similarities metric
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