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    STUDIA HISTORIA - Issue no. 1-2 / 2009  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  The wider notions of army and limes, which were tightly linked to each other in the Roman Empire, are here examined from the view point of their specific forms in the Roman province of Dacia. Starting from a very useful study by B. Isaac on the meaning of the terms limes and limitanei (Isaac 1988), the author investigates the layout of the major Roman roads from Dacia that linked the main fortresses of the occupation army. He came thus to the conclusion that most major Roman roads ran in a north-south direction, so they were most probably limites in a sense from the time of the Early Principate, i.e. military roads towards the enemy’s territory. Thus the layout of the major roads from Roman Dacia was already set during the Dacian Wars of the Emperor Trajan (101/102 and 105/106 AD). After the Roman province was established and also after the important reshaping of the Roman territories in the north of Danube made by Emperor Hadrian, the layout of the roads remained roughly unchanged. Some of the wartime fortresses have been abandoned and other were built, in many cases very near to the former, which sometimes leaves the impression of “double forts”. Some of the roads became beginning with the reign of Hadrian limites in the sense of land frontiers (e. g. the so-called “Limes Transalutanus” at the border of south-eastern Dacia or the road that linked the fortresses from the north-eastern frontier).

Key-words: Roman Dacia, Banat, Roman army, limes, Roman roads.

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