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    STUDIA HISTORIA - Issue no. 1-2 / 2002  

  Abstract:  Nicolae Iorga and Scientific International Cooperation. International scientific cooperation would eventually succeed to achieve something that politicians did not manage to up to then - this was Nicolae Iorga’s strong belief; if all intellectual energies were directed towards the maintenance of peace between peoples, safeguarding of the unity of European civilization, the result would be a balanced, prosperous and strong Europe. His scientific achievements in the field of humanities and active participation in the social-political life of the epoch had impressed the scientific world and the European political elites. Nicolae Iorga had in view the cultural integration of the Romanian area into the European world, as well as the familiarization of the Romanian people with the culture and masterpieces of the other European nations. He was the supporter of an organic circulation of values, of influences, intercultural exchanges, which do not impinge upon the originality of each culture apart.The spirit of European collaboration, viewed as a superior stage of European solidarity in the progress of world civilization, would determine the great scientist to become a staunch supporter of international scientific and cultural cooperation, at the same time contributing to the assertion of the cultural values specific to the Romanian people, to the better understanding of the Romanian nation in Europe; Nicolae Iorga often advocated the necessity to integrate into the European cultural area, being a champion of the ideal of brotherhood between peoples through culture.  
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