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    STUDIA HISTORIA - Issue no. 1 / 2004  

Authors:  DANIELA GUI.
  Abstract:  French Art and Romanian Modernity. The 19th and the first half of the 20th century witnessed decisive innovations, chiefly in the field of culture, which resulted in a mutation in artistic mentality. Western Europe, more advanced in terms of civilization, would mirror these changes in agreement to the spirit of the age. France, chiefly Paris as a cultural center with a long-standing tradition, would be the promoter of artistic innovation. From Romanticism, which expressed subjectiveness through imagination, to the concrete elements of Realism and elusive Impressionism, modern art witnessed variegate plastic expressions. The promoted aesthetic principles alternated rational with intuitive aspects. Romanian painting was fruitfully influenced by the French school. The most illustrative Romanian painters, Grigorescu, Andreescu, Luchian and Tonitza, who also evolved in Parisian circles, turned to account the new ideas in a creative, original manner. Their art was originally integrated in the modern context, which enriched national art and stressed out its resources, and, at the same time, the creation of the Romanian painters enriched the European artistic patrimony.  
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