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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 2 / 2008  


The Waste Recycling. The increasing quantity of waste raises serious problems as regarding storage and endangers the environment, that’s why in the modern world to reuse totally or partially these wastes become a necessity. Today, much waste recycling is not only an ecological necessity, but also an economical necessity too. For example, to exploit metals from minerals is becoming more and more expensive due to the fact that the rich and easy accessible natural reserves are almost finished and it becomes worthy to collect the waste from different materials. Some wastes are reused and they circle in a tight circle. In this category we can mention some packaging like bottles and reusable plastic. Usually we don’t consider them as wastes. Others are turned back to industry, after sorting, to enter in a cycling process. This happens with the paper, broken pieces of glass (or reusable glass), metals. The rubber and the plastic can be process by pyrolyses or gasification to obtain fuel gas or materials for chemical industry. In the worst case scenario, the last one can be burned, the heat being retrieved and CO2 and H2O are introduced in the environment. The most rational way to collect waste for recycling is to select them from the beginning, and in this case to be send to the specific industrial branch to be reused. This means that the waste have to be put in different containers.

KEYWORDS: waste recycling, storage and endangers the environment, specific industrial branch, fuel gas, materials for chemical industry

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