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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 2 / 2006  

Authors:  D. RUS.
  Abstract:  The Communication Function of Brănişca-Păuliş Corridor. Having the function to connect the Transylvanian and the Pannonian basins, the Mureş Corridor (the Brănişca-Păuliş section) with a length of 110 km, has acquired a very important role since Antiquity, both in communication and transport. In the Middle Ages, the River Mureş was used for the transportation of salt and other merchandise on rafts to the ports of Zam, Vărădia de Mureş and Lipova. The construction of a road on the right side of the Mureş in 1732, as well as the opening of the railroads Deva –Arad (1868), Radna-Timişoara (1871) and Ilia-Lugoj (1898), contributed to the development of transport in the area. The second half of the 20the century, was characterized by the modernization of communication, using mainly the pre-existing network. Nowadays, the Mureş Corridor is very important for the transit between the central and the western parts of the country and between Romania and the E. U. countries; the European Road 68 and the Railway Thoroughfare 200 crosses the area. The construction of the highway Arad-Deva-Sibiu, and the modernizing of the railway structure will soon place this area in the European Transport Corridor no. 4.  
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