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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 2 / 2006  

Authors:  GRIGOR P. POP.
  Abstract:  Two Villages from Cluj County, Mănăstireni and Mănăşturu Românesc, and their Geodemographic Evolution within the Period 1850-2002. In this study are analyzed, in a synthesizing manner, problems regarding the geodemographic aspects of the localities Mănăstireni and Mănăşturu Românesc from Cluj County, which are situated in the south-western part of Păniceni Plateau (from the north-western marginal high unity of the Transilvania Depression) and in the south-western of Gilău Mountains: the evolution of the inhabitants’ number, the territorial repartion of the population and its structure (on sexes, age groups, occupational, ethnical and confessional). As concerns the evolution of the inhabitants’ number, pursued in the period 1850-2002, there is to be noticed a progressive increasing within the interval 1850-1810, at Mănăstireni, this growing from 1410 inhabitants to 2197 inhabitants, and in the Mănăşturu Românesc from 845 to 1343 inhabitants, after which those two values, in the localities’ order, was reduced to 1657 and 722. This situation was determined, among others, by the detachment from those two settlements of a territory and of its corresponding population (the year 1926) that led to the setting up of a new locality, respectively Rişca. The tendency of decreasing the inhabitant’s number in those two localities continued in the whole next period (1930-2002), the situation being determined by the continuous decrease of the natural output and especially by the registering of a more accented migratory output. As a result of this fact, those two localities joined in a special geodemographic involution, so that, in 2002, in Mănăstireni just 651 inhabitants were to be found and in Mănăşturu Românesc only 234 inhabitants. In the first case, the decreasing was of 2,54 times and in the second of 3,1 times. The territorial repartion of the population, in the conditions of maintaining the approximately the same surface of those two localities’ estate (21,77 km2 at Mănăstireni and 5,51 km2 at Mănăşturu Românesc), was lined up to the condition of evolution of inhabitants’ number, so that, in 1930, at Mănăstireni it was registered a density of 76,1 inh./ km2, and in 2002 was reduced till 29.9 inh./ km2, at Mănăşturu Românesc the values, in the same years, being of 131 inh./km2 and 42,7 inh./km2. Without describing the problem in detail, regarding the structure on sexes there is to be noticed, generally, in the first part (1850-1930) of the analyzed period (1850-2002), a prevalence of the masculine population, the index of womanhood being, in 1850, of 93,7 women / 100 men at Mănăstireni and of 91,6 women / 100 men at Mănăşturu Românesc, after which, in 2002, those two values, in the order of the localities, were of 112,7 women /100 men and of 120,8 women / 100 men, situation which displays an accented degree of womanhood of those two villages’ inhabitants (table 1). In the same context of geodemographic involution joined the structure on age groups of the inhabitants from those two localities. Thus, if the grown-up population, at those four moments of census, was placed in the écarté of 44-50%, with the exception of 1910 from Mănăstireni (54,4%), the group of young population always decreased, from 43,6% in 1910 till 20,3% in 2002 at Mănăstireni, for the same years the values being of 45,3% and 15,4% at Mănăşturu Românesc. A considerable ageing of the inhabitants from those two settlements took place, due to the young population decreasing, the group of old people increasing, at Mănăstireni, from 10,2% in 1910 to 34,9% in 2002, and in Mănăşturu Românesc, in the same years, from 8,5% to 40,6%. Naturally, the condition of rural environment of those two localities decided the high presence of active population occupied in agriculture. Thus, at Mănăstireni, in 1966, with a population of 1169 inhabitants, the actives counted 816 persons, from which 88,6% were busy in agriculture, while the industry and the constructions hold 5,5%, and for the services and other branches 5,9%, in 2002 (292 actives from 651 inhabitants), in the same order, values were of 81, 81,5%, 10 % şi 15,1%. In the same conditions of expression, at Mănăşturu Românesc, in 1966 (507 inhabitants and 370 active persons), those three sectors of activity held 86,4%, 7,7% and 5,9%, and in 2002 (234 inhabitants, from which 103 actives) the value were of 74,8%, 1,9% and 23,3% (table 5). The pursuit of the national structure, at five moments of threshold (table 6), highlights the maintaining of a certain balance, at Mănăstireni the Romanian population registering the minimum percentage value in 1992 (66%) and maximum in 1910 (72,2%), and the Hungarian one in 1966 (27,2%) and 1930 (32,9%), at those two the Gypsies were added, with 5,8% in 1992 and 3,5% in 2002. Compared with the situation from Mănăstireni, where the Hungarian population was colonized in the first centuries from the last millenium, at Mănăşturu Românesc, in all periods, the Romanian population outrun 96%. As concerns the denomination, there is to be noticed a very evident relation with the ethnical one, at Mănăstireni the Romanian population kept all the time the Orthodox religion (64,8% in 1930 and 70,9% in 1992), the Hungarian one becoming reformed in the 16th century (27,4% in 1910 and 33,4% in 1930). Those two denominations brought together more than 96% at the studied censuses (table 7). At Mănăşturu Românesc the frequency of the Orthodox religion was and is above 99%.  
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