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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 2 / 2004  

  Abstract:  Chioarului Country. Genesis and Geological-Paleogeographical References. The local tectonics, the typology of the major geological structures (quasi-horizontal, monoclinal, pleatet, faultet and eruptive), corroborated evolutively with the lasting erosion of the exogenous agents, highlight four distinctive morphostructural sectors, sistemically articulated by the double functionality of the Chioar Region, as a connexion geospace between the Romanian Carpathians, respectively between the Transilvaniei Basin and the Pannonical one. The first compartment integrates in a median cristalline zone, the isolated massives Prisaca-Preluca-Pietriş Hill, the oldest land of the region, powerfully evolved relief (see the fragments from the preeocen pediplain) inherited from a mountainous Hercynian chain. Towards south, the second paleostructural sector Boiu Mare Plateau - Jugăstreni is unfolded, with an eocene-oligocene age, materialized actually as a structural plateau, with an advanced karstification. The third and the largest sector, with a dominant neogene and cuaternary age, forms in the north of the cristaline axix, the matrix of the depresionary geospace Baia Mare-Copalnic. The eruptive of Orientalilor Nordici belongs to the same neogene age and spotlights through an altimetric difference (600-800 m) and finally through the landscape, the northern limit of the Chioar region. Within the given context, the actual expression of the relief appears extremely shaded, synthetizing - on an height dial which varies on an average between 200 and 800 m - levels integrated in the relief, cristalline horsts, glacises and periferical piedmonts, plateaus and structural witnesses, hilly depressions, depresiorary plains, valleys with specific features, from the epigenetical narrow paths (Lăpuş) to evolved large valleys, with developed river meadows and terraces (Someş).  
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