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    STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA - Issue no. 1 / 2009  

Authors:  GRIGOR P. POP.

The Administrative-Territorial Evolution and the Settlements of Ţaga Commune, Cluj County, between 1850 and 2002. Regarding the administrative-territorial organization, the space in which the component settlements of Ţaga commune, from Fizeşului Valley (Cluj County), are localized, preserves traits of inhabitation of the autochthonous population from the oldest times (Neolithic and Iron Age). This was integrated in the social-political and administrative-territorial forms of organization, as early as the state period under the leadership of Burebista and Decebal. After this, at the beginning of the 1st century A.D., it entered under Roman domination. Within the geographic-historical province, Dacia Porolissensis, during the above-mentioned periods, at Ţaga and in other places throughout the county, the following were discovered: Bologa (Resculum), Gilău, Aghireşu, Negreni, Turda (Potaissa), Aiton, Cojocna, Pălatca, Ocna Dejului, Căşeiu (Samus) etc. The social-historical factors from the first centuries of the first millennium, favored, probably, by certain natural phenomena of drought from the Asiatic plateaus, contributed to the unfolding of the great migrations of some noteworthy groups of populations towards Europe. The event was characterized by a particular intensity in the region of Roman Dacia as well. This fact contributed to the withdrawal of the imperials to the southern part of the Danube, in the second half of the 3rd century, respectively the year of 271 or of 273/4 (the army, administration and the individuals whose good situation was related directly to the presence of the Roman domination in Dacia). In situations like these, the Dacian-Romanian population, and later the Romanian one, was obliged, in many cases, to look for more sheltered places in the vicinity of the former habitat, fact that had evident shortcomings as regarding the forms of the administrative-territorial organization for a long period. Once with the weakening and then with the ceasing of the migrations on the territory of our country, in the centuries before the 1st millennium, the ethno-genesis of the Romanian nation took place, which allowed a gradual transition from the simple forms of organization to the making up of the first Romanian political-state systems. Among them there are to be mentioned the Principality of Gelu, duke of the Romanians (dux Blacorum), in which the present territory of Cluj County was included as well and where the capital city was situated, respectively at Dăbâca or at Cluj-Mănăştur (castrum suum iuxta fluvium Zomus positum; History of Romania. Transylvania, 1997, p. 292). Beginning with the 11th – 12th centuries, Transylvania was subdued to different foreign dominations (the Hungarian Feudal Kingdom, Ottoman suzerainty, the Hapsburg Empire, and then the Austrian-Hungarian Empire) which ended only at the beginning of 20th century (1918). Generally, during this long period, the form of the administrative-territorial organization was that of the county and of small rural district. Towards the end of the period of foreign domination, in 1910, Ţaga commune was comprised in Someş County, Chiochiş small rural district. As a consequence of the results of the First World War, when the union of Transylvania with Romania (1918) took place, the territory of Ţaga commune joined the numerous forms of administrative-territorial organization: county, small rural district, commune and village (1918-1950), region, district, commune and village (1950-1968) and then county and commune (1968 up to now). On the territory of the actual Ţaga commune, which makes the object of this paper, quite important changes took place, within the context of the administrative-territorial transformations that happened after 1950, at the national, regional and county level. Therefore, in 1954, Sântejude-Vale locality was founded, which until then, even if it had a well-individualized precinct of village, extended alongside Goruniş and Sântejude valleys, belonged to Sântejude settlement. Then, even later, when the administrative-territorial reform was given, in 1968 (the transition from regions, districts, communes and villages to counties, communes and villages), until the presently analyzed territory became organized into two communes, respectively Ţaga, made of Ţaga, Ghiolţ and Năsal localities and Sântioana, made of Sântioana, Cesariu, Sântejude and Sântejude-Valley localities. The inclusion of Ghiolţ locality to Ţaga locality and of Cesariu locality to Sântioana took place as well. On this occasion, Ţaga and Sântioana were united in a single administrative-territorial rural unit, respectively Ţaga commune. Regarding the problem of the settlements, without giving too many details, it is to mention that the component localities of the commune are registered in documents, with one exception (Sântejude-Valley), during the period of the 12th and the 14th centuries. Thus, the first mentioned locality is Sântejude (1173-1196), followed by Năsal (1215), Ţaga (1243), Sântioana (1305), Ghiolţ and Cesariu (1326). The five settlements of the commune, usually of a scattered type, with some gathering tendencies, are billeted in the middle basin of Fizeşului Valley and on some of its tributaries, on a surface of 100,1 km2, out of which results a density of 5 villages/100 km2. Regarding the dimensional aspect, in 2002, they were included in the category of medium-small (Ţaga and Sântioana) and small villages (Năsal, Sântejude and Sântejude-Valley).

Keywords: administrative-territorial evolution, localities of Ţaga commune, Cluj County, 1850-2002 period.

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