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    STUDIA EPHEMERIDES - Issue no. 2 / 2005  

Authors:  ILIE RAD.
  Abstract:  1. Definition. The word censorship generally defines "the prior control by certain state bodies of printed matters, performances, radio TV broadcasts and, under certain circumstances, the control of certain mail matters and telephone conversations, etc.". This word is of Latin origin (censura). This definition accounts for one of the meanings of the word censorship in The Little Encyclopedic Dictionary, the 1972 edition. A similar, abridged definition can be found in the Explicative Dictionary of 1975. The years when these two dictionaries were published have been mentioned here on purpose, in view of better making out the meanings of the definition in the Dictionary of Neologisms, the 3rd edition, 1978. This was one year after the official ban of Romanian censorship as an official government body, so that the definition is highly politicized: "The control by the capitalist state (sic!) of published and printed matters in order to hinder the disseminating of forward ideas". An objective, comprehensive definition can be found in the well-known Webster`s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary, 1996, p. 238, where censorship is the activity of the censor: "an official who examines books, plays, news reports, motion pictures, radio programs, etc., for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds"...  
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