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    STUDIA EPHEMERIDES - Issue no. 1 / 2013  

Authors:  .
  Abstract:  The activity of the organization can be perceived only in one way: through the act of communication, because every organization communicates with the public and its environment. Communication can be spontaneous, conscious or guided (done in an organized way). Each organization is “impregnated with values behind the technical rules which produce a distinct identity of each organization”, as stated by S. Selznick. The organizational culture is an attempt to penetrate into the experience, meaning, atmosphere, character or image of an organization. Throughout the paper, I will try to treat the concept of image gradually, starting with a uniform definition, continuing with the concept of social image, brand image, the role of the image in an organization, techniques and strategies to create, manage, promote and evaluate an image, the role of the communication between an institution and its audience, and the efficency of internal communication within a cultural organization.

Keywords: communication, image, organizational culture, advertisement, theatre
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