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    STUDIA DRAMATICA - Issue no. 1 / 2014  

  Abstract:   The starting point of this paper is an investigation conducted from 1992 to the present in the context of the Documentation Center of Odin Teatret to develop and update annually a critical bibliography of Barba’s written work. The result is a 150-page document that contains all the texts published by Barba sorted by years of writing. The literature provides in each case details of the origin of the texts, the origin of the materials that comprise it and the many transformations that Barba effected in his materials. One of the most obvious characteristics of Barba’s written work is its multifaceted dimension that manifests in a variety of formats, concepts, issues and themes. Barba’s written work is like a big melting pot where he mixes and analyzes his theatrical influences, the vicissitudes of his long artistic career, meetings and professional experiences that marked him. The intention of this paper is to show how Barba’s written work has gradually evolved towards a distillation of a deep and implied structure. This structure comes out with two intersecting elements: the different levels of organization that Barba distinguishes in his overview of theatre craft, and the professional dialogue he maintained with three great theatre cultures: the European theatre of the twentieth century, Asian classical theatre and the Latin American group theatre. The aim is to show how behind a seemingly heterogeneous, dispersed and multifaceted, Barba’s written work organizes this multiplicity in a coherent and deeply structured theatrical vision.

Keywords: Eugenio Barba, writings, written works, theatrical traditions, reasons to do theatre.
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