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    STUDIA BIOETHICA - Issue no. 1-2 / 2014  

Authors:  MARIA ALUAȘ.
  Abstract:  Ethical Issues on Doctor-Patient Relationship. From the medical ethics of 1950s to the latest developments after 2000, medical decision, under the exclusive competence of physicians, gradually came to involve patients, or at least, they are becoming more involved in their therapeutic solutions. This transformation is, in fact, the passage from the paternalistic model, focused on therapeutic benefit to the autonomy model, centered on the respect for the individual and their freedom of decision. Doctors of our time are seen as professionals or technicians working for „consumers of treatments” and patients gradually become ordinary „customers” who claim „services”. They have the task to inform patients about all potential risks and then they will decide freely. This is supposed to be the way of the respect for the individual and his autonomy. In this paper we will describe the development stages of the doctor-patient relationship, we analyze the models by which is classifying this relationship and we see the complexity of dynamics of this relationship and its specificity, showing also the limits of proposed models for the Romanian context.

Keywords: Doctor-patient relationship, Medical decision, Patients competence, Autonomy, Informed consent issues
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