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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA%20ORTHODOXA - Ediţia nr.1-2 din 2002  

  Rezumat:  The Romanian Orthodox Church between 1990-2000. After the Revolution from December 1989 many important changes took place both in the Romanian society and in the life of the Romanian Orthodox Church. In the new "democracy" it was possible both the re-establishment of some Eparcies, which were abusively destroyed by the communists after 1948 and the creation of some new Eparcies. But, at the same time, in the years that followed the mentioned Revolution, new hierarchs were named; a great part of them followed post university studies (or doctorates) in the foreign countries or had a rich experience in the framework of our Church. In order to face the actual needs of the Church, the theological seminaries and university education was reorganized on new terms, the number of the Orthodox Theological Seminaires grew from six to thirty-eight, and the number of the Theological institutions, that is of the Theological Faculties grew from two to fifteen. To develop in an ample mode the Christian, religious-moral and informational character it was necessary that the young people be in direct and immediate contact with the church throughout the religion class. This is how the religion classes were introduced in the state schools, at first for the I-VIII classes, and then also for the IX-XII classes. If the number of the churches publishing houses and typographies were reduced during the communist period not to make religious propaganda, after 1989 we witnessed a considerable growth of the number of the publications: newspapers, magazines, books; also representative works from the universal spirituality were republished. In what the missionary-pastoral activity is concerned, we can notice the "retaken of the activity of some Christian societies of the laymen", or the creation of some new ones as: The Crowd of God, The Romanian Orthodox Fraternity, The National Society of the Orthodox Women, The Association of the Christian Orthodox Students (ACOS), The Romanian Orthodox Youth League (ROYL) and so on. Also in this period the hermitages and monasteries, which were abusively destroyed by the communists, were reopened; new monarchal placements were created and built; hundreds of churches and cathedrals were built all over the country, many of them being already finished and blessed. A very important fact from the life of the Romanian Orthodox church was the canonization of some Romanian saints, in the framework of the ceremony from the "Saint Spiridon the New" Church from Bucharest on the 22nd of June of 1992. We can also notice the active presence of the Romanian Orthodox Church in some areas of the social life, in which, for fifty years, the Church was not allowed: in hospitals, in aged people houses, in orphanages, in the army, in the prison and so on. In the last decade of the XXth century, the Romanian Orthodox Church had close relationships with the order Orthodox Churches, concretized through the reciprocal visits at the high level, changes of professors, candidates for a doctor''s degree, students and others. At the same time, the relationships and the theological dialogues among the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Old Oriental Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Old Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, the Protestant Church or with other international ecumenical organizations continued, the final goal of which being the unity of the Christian Churches. The ecumenical aspect of the Romanian Orthodox Church manifested not only on the national stage (through the local ecumenical aspect) but also on the international stage, through the ecumenical dialogue held in front of the Ecumenical Council of the Churches and the Conference of European Churches, in the framework of which militated, every time, for the re-establishment of the Christian unity and for the peace in the world.  
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