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    STUDIA SOCIOLOGIA - Ediţia nr.1-2 din 1999-2000  

  Rezumat:  Ion Clopoţel: Sociographist. Known mainly as journalist and publicist, Ion Clopoţel was at the same time one of the most dedicated and competent social researcher in Transilvania during the interwar period. He named as sociographic the methodological approach he proposed and used and it synthesizes three main ways of research that existed at the beginning of our century in the field of social sicence, namely the sociographical pattern (S.R. Steinmetz), family budgets (Frederic Le Play) and the sociological monography (D. Gusti). Ion Clopoţel did not have the intention of turning the sociography into an autonomous branch of science, but rather he conceived it as a first and necessary stage of sociological knowledge, preamble of sociology. He distinguished himself in the field of Romanian sociological research both for the sociographical investigations he carried on in various mountainous areas of the country and for his endeavour to create an institutionalized framework for this type of research, endeavour that materialized in The Institute of Studies The Society of Tomorrow and in The Socio-Economic Movment - the association of publicists with a permanent interest in the socio-economic problems.  
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